Coaching on the ice is all about getting the laptimes and showing them to the skater, calculating instantly the right end time and analysing the race afterwards with races from competitors and the fiercest competitor of all: the skater him/herself (races from the past).
SpeedSkatingCoach supports you by:
skaters by using the built-in stopwatch or by typing the laptimes from
the board (or both when the board fails halfway through the
Showing the laptime to the skater with the iPad (or shout it when using
the iPhone)
Offering instant support with calculated schedules
the result right away with the skater through email or through
Facebook. The result is included in the email so that the skaters can
add it to their own SpeedSkatingCcoach archive with one tap
the race by using the archive to compare results. Races can be compared
through laptimes and a graph with the skating speed.
The use of the iPad in speed skating coaching offers great advantages. The normal manual boards for showing the 2 digits are larger and heavier. Since the iPad shows the numbers from a computer screen, the visibility of the numbers is excellent despite the smaller size of the font. The iPad is much easier to carry to and from and on the ice track.
Do you know a way to use the iPad for other purposes? Please contact us for cooperation..